By using our services you agree to the following terms. If you use our services on behalf of a business, then that business agrees to these terms.
We do not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, nor suitability for any purpose, of any information presented here. You may use the information to assist your situation awareness, but should not use it as a primary means.
We do not guarantee that this service will remain available at all times, nor be accessible from any particular location, nor from any particular type of device, nor any individual device.
To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all warranties and responsibilities, whether for losses or damages of any kind, financial or otherwise. You will hold harmless and indemnify us from any claim or action arising from or related to use of this service.
By using this service you accept responsibility for making your own assessment of the accuracy and usefulness of the information presented.
Our services are not intended for use by any person lacking legal capacity. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children, or use or disclose such information. If you believe we have, please get in touch with us and we will endeavour to remedy matters.
Using this service does not give you ownership of the content you access, or any intellectual property rights over the content. You may not reproduce or re-publish our content without our express agreement, whether images, place names, tide graphs, or tidal data.
We may make changes to this service at any time, without notice to you. We may change these terms, or the privacy policy, at any time, without notice to you. We will normally publish any updates to terms or the privacy policy on our website.
terms last updated 2023-07-19 visit